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 Fudge Factor Replaces Science 
 Saturation Precludes 
 The Fakery of Modern Global Warming Science 

Gary Novak

Global Warming Home

Quasi Preface

Three Points that Prove

Key Summaries:

How Modern Global Warming Science Took Form

Fudge Factor for Settled Science

Saturation is the Proof

A Mechanism does not Exist

Alphabetical Page List

Detailed Specifics:

Heating 2,500°C

Temperature Effects

Ocean Heat

Changing Weather

Thermometer Fraud

Natural Log Curve

Firing Scientists

Acid in the Oceans

Heinz Hug Measurement

Methane is Weaker


Crunching the Numbers

Absorption Spectra


Simple Words

Communication Corruption

Fake Ice Core Data

Equilibrium in Atmosphere

Ice Melt Fraud

Oceans not Rising

Future Ice Age

Greenhouse Gases

"Delicate Balance" Fraud

Heat-Trapping Gases

Back Radiation is Absurd

The Cause of Ice Ages and Present Climate


Three Points that Prove Global Warming cannot Occur

Point 1. Climatologists Missed the Dilution Factor

There are 2,500 air molecules around each CO2 molecule, because the total amount of CO2 in the air is 400 parts per million. Therefore, each CO2 molecule must be 2,500°C to heat the air 1°C—an impossibility.

No molecule can have a temperature much different than nearby emitting surfaces or molecules. Using the Stefan-Boltzmann constant to determine radiation from the earth's surface, as climatologists do, shows the CO2 molecules to be heated 5.73°C. The CO2 temperature misses the required 2,500°C by a factor of 436.

The CO2 molecules which do the heating would have to be proportionately high temperature, because the heat is not additive.

If dilution were the only error, it would not have been overlooked. But the entire subject of global warming is such a total contrivance at the scientific level that nothing real is being studied.

Point 2. Claimed Radiation of White Hot Metals

We are supposedly walking on the heat of white hot metals.

The amount of energy given off by the surface of the earth is claimed to be 79% radiation and 21% conduction and vaporization of water, as indicated by the Kiehl-Trenberth model published in the documents of the IPCC. Only white hot metals give off that much radiation in an air environment.

A slight correction appeared in the NASA energy budget, which shows 41% of the energy leaving the earth's surface to be radiation, which again is on the order of white hot metals. In actuality, the cool surface temperature of 15°C global average, with a rough surface and some wind, would emit about 1-3% of its energy as radiation from land, very little from oceans. The exact amount determines the amount of radiation available to be converted into temperature increase as global warming. Guessing that wildly on radiation is guessing that wildly on global warming, and being off by a factor of 40 on the radiation is being off by a factor of 40 on the global warming.

Point 3. Radiation Goes Around Greenhouse Gases

The atmosphere is cooled by radiation which goes around greenhouse gases. The amount going around doesn't matter. A gate half open won't keep in half the sheep. The cooling occurs until equilibrium is established with the amount of energy coming in from the sun.

radiation escapeThe amount of radiation going around greenhouse gases is said in Wikipedia to be 15-30%. Calculations by climatologists are based upon none going around. They calculate the amount of radiation getting to the top of the atmosphere using "radiative transfer equations." Those equations cannot account for equilibrium, which is an adjustment of every influence upon temperature.

If the amount going around were calculated without equilibrium, there would be a 100% error in the range (15-30%), while the product of the radiative transfer equations is said to have about 1% error. That product serves as the primary effect by carbon dioxide, which no one in science questions. Only secondary effects are argued.

equilibriumBut the gate is not 15-30% open. Each molecule in the atmosphere radiates energy, with 15-30% going directly into space. That which is absorbed by greenhouse gases is re-emitted with 15-30% going into space. It means the gate is about 99.99% open. The atmosphere cools as fast as heat enters it leaving very low temperatures in equilibrium with the sun's energy. The equilibrium temperatures are very cold, because heat leaves in all directions during all hours, while it enters from one direction, half the time. The energy from the sun lands on the surface (mostly), while it leaves from the entire atmosphere at a depth of 12-15 kilometers.

The First Concern for Nonscientists

